PCC & Governance

Annual Church Meeting 2024

Our 2024 Annual Church Meeting (APCM) will be held on Sunday 14th April at 11.45am after our Morning Service.

This is a summary review of the life of our church in 2023, including reports required by the Church of England.

This is a more formal report and includes an audited summary of our annual financial accounts which will be submitted to the Charity Commission.

Electoral Roll

We’re part of the Church of England, which means that our structures of governance and accountability are set by the Church Representation Rules.

If you live in the parish or a regular member of our worshipping community and are aged 16 or over, we would encourage to join the electoral roll. This allows you to vote and stand for election to our church council (PCC).

Our current revision of the electoral roll will take place between Sunday 3rd March and Sunday 31st March 2024.


The PCC are 9 elected representatives from the church electoral roll.  1/3 of the PCC are elected each year at the Annual meeting (APCM) to serve for 3 years.  They act as charitable trustees and custodians of the church finances.  They meet around 6 times a year together with the clergy & churchwardens to set direction, agree expenditure, review policy & practice, take a lead on safeguarding, and work together to promote the mission of the church in the parish.

Approved Minutes from previous PCC meetings are available on request by emailing pccsecretary@stlaurences.org

St Laurence's Church
Old Church Road, Coventry CV6 7ED
© 2025 St Laurence's Church Coventry. All rights reserved.
Registered with the Charity Commission England & Wales charity number 1202588

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